Vacation in Hawaii
Ok, here's a picture I took with my 35mm SLR. Film speed 800, 300mm telephoto lens. the Gray whale was shot with a 5mp 3x optical zoom digital. Where 1 in 8 might turn out with the digital, 1 in 10 film shots dont work out -mostly due to pilot error.
A digital SLR would work much better than a point & shoot, but then your looking at $1000 plus for a good camera & lens. I hope Film isn't really going away.
By the way, should you get the chance to go whale watching in Hawaii, I recommend it.
It recently occurred to me that with this blog I can post pictures I've taken. It takes forever to download on dial-up from home, but I may at last be forking out for DSL sometime soon.
I always hated telling Dad that I had done something wrong when we were kids. I guess it was because his opinion of me meant so much., it used to tear me up when I had failed him.