Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tourist Stuff

Thursday a friend of mine had a really nice surprise for me. She came by after work, told me to bring a camera, a hat, and a couple of other things. We drove for about 45 minutes, and came to Laurel Land Funeral Home. Sounds like a fun trip, right? I had mentioned a few days before that, having heard that Stevie Ray Vaughan was buried in the Dallas area, I wanted to make the "pilgrimage" to Stevie's grave to pay my respects and to leave behind a guitar pick. I heard long ago that Buddy Holly's grave is covered with picks and thought that was a pretty cool tribute.
By the way, I saw in a guitar magazine that Buddy's Stratocaster was recently given a good cleaning before going to either the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame,or the Smithsonian. Until recently his parents had it and when fans came by they actually let them hold and even play Buddy's old guitar. Nice people.
So there we were driving around this pretty large (in my experience) cemetery when we saw there was a funeral happening; we saw the pall bearers placing the casket on a stand, then later in the wander, the casket being lowered into the ground.Finally, we decided to go to the front office and ask where to find Stevie. We got a little map, and that lead us right to the funeral we had seen. The funeral was for Stevie's Mother. If I'd taken a closer look during the wander, I would probably have recognized Jimmie Vaughan.
Vaughan Estate is a little plot near the middle of the cemetery. There were a few picks, I left mine, I told my friend about the quote on the marker from one of Stevie's songs. People had left various things to decorate the area; a fake bird in a nearby branch was kind of deteriorated, but it may have been there for almost twenty years now, what looked kind of like a fishing lure, and a horseshoe(?).
It doesn't seem like Stevie has been gone that long.
He sure could play guitar.


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